Well, this was supposed to be billed as a relaxing family getaway, but it turned into anything but that (nothing like the song which of course Judy Garland sang once!). Poor attitudes, the heat and sassyness all contributed to a stay in Chicago we were all to happy to return from. Too bad, but over with now. From the looks of our pictures we appear to be having a good time, but what do they say "don't judge a book by its cover"! Anyway, I believe I may have been the root of the problem, I may have. I learned sorries don't count in text messages so I thought I would give a Blog a try...Sorry guys!
We also went to Navy Pier where we went to the IMAX and saw Fly Me To The Moon in 3D. It was very cute, I highly recommend it if you have small kids.
Hey, I just got in to the "Face Book" a couple of weeks ago and I thought of some of my friends I haven't talked to in a while and I thought ouf you guys and searched to see if you had a face book and you do! It was fun to see your blog and catch up a little bit.
I am so sad that you guys didn't have a wonderful time! It had so much potential to be awesome since the kids are going back to school next week!
By the way, if you think I speed on the highway, your husband was passing me! Way to make the kids ride with him! We thought that was funny!
PS. Do you guys have Labor Day weekend plans?
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