Monday, August 18, 2008

Summer Camps

What a fun two weeks Kaitlyn is having! Last week she went to an Equestrian camp through the YMCA and had a blast. She wants to continue going and even someday be a counselor there (that is one goal I would love to support!).

She met many new friends and had fun with them while riding and also enjoying the activities of Camp life.
Of course the swimming, archery and wall climbing were fun, but the best was riding the horses. Here is Kaitlyn on Jimmy.

This week she is taking on a totally different type of Camp. She is in Orchestra camp for school. She decided to play the Chelo and is doing a great job!

She had her nails cut and Dad took her out to have them painted, don't they look nice?

I will admit, for what I was expecting a bunch of 6th graders who have never touched a string instrument in their lives to sound like, when I went to pick her up today they sounded pretty good. She is so excited now about learning, lets hope that continues.


The Schaefers said...

Mr. Cicero is a great orchestra teacher, too! He is a lot of fun!
I am so excited for her to go to Badger! We'll have to have lunch together now that you'll be child-less again during the daytime! I will still have Will, though.

Amy said...

Definatly! Hay, we all love Auntie Laura, but some new news about Will would be nice! I never thought I would say it, but stop writing on my Blog and write on yours :)