Last night was Scott's crossover from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts. I cannot believe he is already in the Blazer Patrol! As I sat there watching it I thought "in the blink of an eye he will be getting his Eagle". I hope that is the case, but more comment on the quick passage of time. It seems like yesterday he entered Scouts at 8 years old. Three boys crossed over last night. Scott is on the left.
Ralph Ekstein does a great job with the ceremonies and puts a lot of time into getting together the kids' walking sticks(which he makes himself), t-shirts and other symbols used in Boy Scouts.
This is Carl putting on the Blazer neckerchief and pin on Scott.
I also have to give a HUGE thank you to Carl who has gotten him this far. He has taken upon himself to spend many hours and weekends working on badges, belt loops, pins, the religious award and the Arrow of Light award with Scott. They have both worked really hard and I am proud of both of them. It was a big night for them, and I am glad I remembered the camera!
Well done Scott! Lets start on your Eagle, and until then...
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