Today we concentrated on Carl and his Dad who have been neglected the past few years. We had a nice visit at the Meyers'. We played Michigan Rummy and had stop-n-shop pizza, what a perfect day! Carl is such a great Dad. What I appreciate most is that he takes time for each of the kids separately. They love this one on one time with him. They are lucky to have him! We hope you had a nice day today...I love you!
Really missing my Dad lately. We took this picture outside Soldier Field in Chicago to remember him. It is the Navy logo. You Dad was in the Navy! Hated not buying him a card, a gift and talking to him today, but the sun will rise tomorrow! Dad, thanks for everything you did for me, for your example and your strength. Oh, and how could I forget the parking spaces, keep up the good work :) Happy Father's Day Dad!
Ahhh, hate to break it to ya that looks like the Marine Corps crest. Nice just the same!
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