Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Happy Birthday To You...

Yesterday my little brother turned 36 years old! He has been in town for Harley Davidson's 105 year Anniversary so we were all able to get together on his birthday (which was also Labor Day this year). We had a grill out and spent the afternoon gabbing.Here is Billy with our Grandma Sullivan. She hates having her picture taken, but she looks so good!
Here he is, 36 candles. Scott was giving him a hard time about how many girlfriends he would have (the number of candles left lit when you blow them out), and Billy said "there are NO girlfriends!"

Sure enough, after the smoke cleared there were no candles left lit and Billy sat back and smiled. I kid you not the kitchen was full of smoke. It was funny...although not as funny as my mom when she ate the black frosting from the cake! Isn't she beautiful!
She wanted the cake donned in Harley colors, we all hope her teeth clean up or she may need to Zoom!


The Schaefers said...

Well, if anything happens to your mom's teeth, at least she knows a good dentist!
I am glad you had a nice time with your family!