Sunday, June 1, 2008

This is a test...

I have spent the majority of the last day reading the Blogs of friends and their friends' friends. I began with our good friends Todd and Lisa Mortenson and Jordan and Leann Schaefer, and ended with a family I have never met nor ever will. I will admit my reservations about creating a Blog, because Carl and I live pretty uneventful lives. We do not travel much and honestly prefer to be homebodies. I kept asking myself what I could possibly write about the Meyers' that anyone besides ourselves would find the least bit interesting. Then I read an entry by a women who was also just beginning her Blog and seemed to hold the same concerns I do. She then mentioned that writing her families' Blog would result in family history that could be viewed by anyone interested and that it also kept a record for her kids which they can soon enjoy. That thought is why I have decided to keep this Blog. In the years to come I hope more will share our families joys and sorrows. I hope my kids will find it interesting to be able to look back on their lives and have good memories.

I am a huge proponent for writing in journals. I have faithfully done so for 24 years and have 36 volumes chronicling my life. I find it therapeutic and a wonderful gift for ancestors. I encourage my two kids to write. I buy journals for my Niece to write and I provide journals for the Young Women in our Ward. I want everyone to write by hand and encourage it whenever the opportunity presents itself. I have often times frowned on writing on the computer or online. I find it impersonal. I will admit this weekend of catching up on the Mortenson's travels to adopt their daughter in Kazakhstan has opened my mind to this medium of journaling. I felt the Spirit when I read Lisa's entries and am sure that this Blog along with my continued journal writing will leave my posterity with as complete a history as possible.

Well, I hope you enjoy. I will do my best to keep up with entries, and please consider a way to keep your family history. Your ancestors will thank you for it.


The Schaefers said...

Nice Amy. Way to start the blog. I like the name using alliteration. This will be a good way to keep in touch from TX.

The Schaefers said...

I will be a frequent reader of your blog! You can even blog your fantastic recipes for all of us! Carl could blog good dental hygiene tips, too!
I will especially look forward to keeping in touch when we move. You guys are awesome friends, and we LOVE to hear about your lives!
PS. The other one is from Jordan!